the little baby show
Jillian Mayer, Rachel Rossin, Flannery Silva, Cristine Brache, Loney Abrams + Johnny Stanish, Brian Kokoska, Heather Leigh McPherson, Marlene Frontera, Aria McManus + Raine Trainor
June 1 - July 1, 2018
August 1939
by Isadora Reisner
you don’t want me to love you, but love you i will
i will do it because i cant help it i was raised by myself to do it this way
you are my little baby and i swaddle you in an old flag
you were born of a different mother but now i cradle you
you pull at my earrings and they jingle
it is deafening to me but no one else can hear it
the jingling and the pain in my lobes distracts me from what else i’m hearing and feeling
you want mamas pretty earrings you want to be like mama yooou wanna be all glitzy and big eared
i let you do this because i love you little baby and it keeps you close to my bosom
i wont let anyone hurt you except me, i’m gonna pierce your ears myself i’m gonna get you little baby sized earrings and they’re gonna be gold
then ill train you to pinch your little ears when people look at you you gotta cover up the holes i made for the gold to enter your body and you’re gonna keep those little earrings long enough to pass on to your little baby
then you’ll remember what mama did for you, even when they’ve taken all the rest, even when they’ve hidden all the gold in the worrrrrld away
This show explores contemporary motherhood in regards to possession, religion, domination, and cuteness. A portion of sales goes to the Trust Women Foundation in Wichita, Kansas.
Brian Kokoska Tea Party (Make A Deathwish), 2018 Wood, acrylic, plastic, metal, vintage teddy bear, glass, clay 46.5 x 44 x 26 inches
Cristine Brache Painting of a collage my mother made (she cut Michelle Pfeiffer’s face out so she can be Catwoman), 2018 Oil on canvas 24 x 30 inches
Jillian Mayer Climbing a Tree, 2014 Wood branch, four-color digital print on silk Dimensions variable
Aria Mcmanus + Raine Trainor Slap Control, 2016 UV printed on aluminum, plastic, and birth control pills, Plexi case Accompanying promotional video shown on iPad 3 x 3 x 12 inches
Flannery Silva December Dancerella, 2018 Vinyl mat, PVC pipe 85 x 35 x 41 inches
Marlene Frontera Landadora, 2016 Mixed media and acrylic on paper 30 x 44 inches
Brain Kokoska Sunshine Baby (Booties), 2016 Oil on canvas 28 x 28 inches
Brain Kokoska Gymnastic Umbrella (Black Holes), 2016 Oil on canvas 30 x 26 inches
Heather Leigh McPherson Semaphor, 2017 Drawing, inkjet transparency, fabric, dyed cast epoxy 24 x 26 inches
Loney Abrams + Johnny Stanish Chatelaine, 2018 Aqua resin, berglass 26.5 x 18 inches
Rachel Rossin Gertrude, 2018 Watercolor, airbrush and gouache on duralar 85 x 35 x 41 inches
315 Gallery Topical Cream June, 2018